Freyja van den Boom

OGP Global summit: ‘Mine The Government’

During the fourth OGP Global Summit 2016 conference held in December this year, FutureTDM together with Open Knowledge International was selected to hold a...

Interview: Julia Reda MEP (Digital Agenda Intergroup)

Our FutureTDM Workshop in Brussels on 27 September 2016 is sponsored by the European Parliament Digital Agenda Intergroup. We interviewed Julia Reda MEP, member of...
Marco Caspers

CULT’s opinion on the TDM exception

On 6 February 2017, the Committee on Culture and Education (hereafter: CULT) published its draft opinion on the recently proposed directive on copyright in the Digital...

Text and data mining in history

Joris van Eijnatten is professor of cultural history at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. He has a fascination for numbers that not many historians have....

The FutureTDM Workshop: Improving Uptake of Text and Data Mining in...

On 27 September 2016, FutureTDM held our first Workshop in Brussels. The event was sponsored and Chaired by the European Parliament Digital Agenda Intergroup...
Maria Eskevich

Highlights from the European Data Forum (EDF) 2016 Attendance: Ideas, Insights,...

In 2016, European Data Forum (EDF) was organised by the Data Science Center Eindhoven of the Eindhoven University of Technology in cooperation with Amsterdam...
Copyright for Creativity

Text and Data Mining: how the Future TDM workshop highlighted the...

For the legal geeks among us, it is now old news that the European Commission, after promising to modernise copyright, issued a rather...
Marco Caspers

A right to read for machines? Part I: The introduction

We, as FutureTDM, we were happy to organise and moderate a panel discussion at the Annual Meeting 2016 of the Association for Information Science...
Marco Caspers

Why a Copyright Exception Should Go Beyond TDM

It is a basic principle of copyright law that ideas are not protected. What copyright does protect is the original expression of those ideas....
Maria Eskevich

TDM for Scientific Publications: Venues and Ideas

Text and data mining (TDM) lies at the intersection of research interests from different research communities: computational linguistics (CL), information retrieval (IR), artificial intelligence...