
TDM and ContentMine: Barriers and Enablers of TDM

What is ContentMine?ContentMine is a non-profit organisation founded by Dr Peter Murray-Rust, a chemist, molecular informatician and advocate for open science. Murray-Rust faced barriers...
Freyja van den Boom

APE2017: Publishing Ethics, Doing the Right Thing – Doing Things Right

FutureTDM will be present at the Academic Publishing in Europe (APE) conference in Berlin. We look forward to presenting our FutureTDM consortium poster and...
Michele De Rosa

BONSAI your data and allow them to be mined

The debate on the European Union (EU) regulation of text and data mining (TDM) has been animated by the draft reform proposed by the...
Freyja van den Boom

OpenCon Conference 2016

Every year Opencon brings together leading students and early career academic professionals from across the world to discuss and learn about issues related to...
Kanella Pouli

TDM European Funded Projects and Infrastructures

Is European research interested in TDM?Yes it is. This is manifested both by the number of scientific articles published in journals and conferences by...

This is what Europe can do to stimulate Text and Data...

Text and data mining – using algorithms to analyse content in ways that would be impossible for humans – is shaping up to be...

EU Copyright and the Path to Reform

If you are following our blogs and twitter feed, you can’t have failed to notice that there has been a fair bit of coverage...
Freyja van den Boom

FutureTDM at Creative Commons Global Summit

We were very pleased that our FutureTDM session proposal was accepted for the 2017 Creative Commons Global Summit.This years summit took place in April...

An open-access publisher perspective on TDM

Interview: Mappet Walker, Project Manager (Frontiers Media SA)On 11 January 2017, one day before the European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee began debating the copyright...

FutureTDM Workshop II

On 29 March, FutureTDM held our second workshop on improving the uptake of EU text and data mining (TDM) in Brussels.Kindly hosted by leading...