Frank Hellwig

iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing Workshop (Part 1)

Report 1: TDM exception, copyright reform process, temporary copying, reproduction rightThe iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing workshop took place on 23rd September 2016...
Projekt: Polska Foundation

FutureTDM Symposium 2017

On 13th of June, we held our FutureTDM Symposium at the International Data Science Conference 2017, in Salzburg, Austria. The aim was to share...
Marco Caspers

A right to read for machines? Part I: The introduction

We, as FutureTDM, we were happy to organise and moderate a panel discussion at the Annual Meeting 2016 of the Association for Information Science...
Freyja van den Boom

FutureTDM at Creative Commons Global Summit

We were very pleased that our FutureTDM session proposal was accepted for the 2017 Creative Commons Global Summit.This years summit took place in April...
Athena Research and Innovation Centre

TDM Data Holders and Aggregators

TDM data holders and aggregators: European infrastructures offering open access to their big collections of dataThe FutureTDM project recently published deliverable D4.1 (European Landscape...

The Objectives of FutureTDM

In order to foster the exploitation of TDM in European scientific, economic and public sectors, and eventually boost economy and society as a whole,...
Frank Hellwig

iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing Workshop (Part 2)

Report 2: Sui generis database right, functional vs. technical view, caveats of the Japanese TDM exception, integrationThis is the second of three blog...

A practical view on text data mining from ContentMine

We at ContentMine are a non-profit NGO from Cambridge UK, who are practitioners on the forefront of text data mining - the free and...
Marco Caspers

Some observations of the French TDM exception

As of October 7, 2016, the law on a Digital Republic (“République Numérique”) introduced an exception for text and data mining (TDM) in the...
Benjamin White

A Project Synopsis

Big Data has been a buzz word for a number of years now.  It is all around us -  from Amazon analysing our purchases...