
European TDM Projects: OpenMinTeD, an Overview

What is OpenMinTeD?OpenMinTeD stands for Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data. It is an open, service oriented, e-Infrastructure for Text and Data Mining...

FutureTDM at the EUhackathon: Visualising Copyright Evidence

The theme of the 6th edition of the EUhackathon held in Brussels last week was ‘visualising copyright evidence to inform the policy debate...
Donat Agosti

Copyright and the Use of Images as Biodiversity Data

We live in a visual world – but when TDM is discussed, images are rarely mentioned. This is astonishing for taxonomy, the science of...
Freyja van den Boom

FutureTDM reports on APE 2017

A few weeks ago the FutureTDM poster travelled to Berlin to be shown during the APE conference organized by Academic Publishing in Europe (APE)Publishing...
Jan Strycharz

Impact of TDM on the Economy

Thanks to TDM Big and Open Data is changed into actionable intelligence – specific insights that allow advancing the economic, social and scientific processes....
Freyja van den Boom

APE2017: Publishing Ethics, Doing the Right Thing – Doing Things Right

FutureTDM will be present at the Academic Publishing in Europe (APE) conference in Berlin. We look forward to presenting our FutureTDM consortium poster and...

The Objectives of FutureTDM

In order to foster the exploitation of TDM in European scientific, economic and public sectors, and eventually boost economy and society as a whole,...

White Paper on Community Requirements for Text and Data Mining

Text and data mining is important to different scientific communities, but what do these different user communities need to mine succesfully?  One of the...
Marco Caspers

The Role of Anne Frank’s Diary and Academic Freedom for Text...

It is beyond dispute that Anne Frank’s diary is of great historical value. A recent Dutch court decision confirms this, in a case that...

The FutureTDM Open Science Cafe at the Dutch Presidency Open Science...

Open Science is a key priority of the Dutch EU Presidency. The Netherlands is committed to open access to scientific publications and the best...