Freyja van den Boom

OpenCon Conference 2016

Every year Opencon brings together leading students and early career academic professionals from across the world to discuss and learn about issues related to...

FutureTDM Workshop II

On 29 March, FutureTDM held our second workshop on improving the uptake of EU text and data mining (TDM) in Brussels.Kindly hosted by leading...
University of Amsterdam

‘TDM is Simply the Research Method of the Future!’: An Interview...

We are pleased to have Dr Lucie Guibault, Associate Professor at the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) to be...

ContentMine: A Practical Exploration of Mining the Scientific Literature

One of the clear results emerging from the recent FutureTDM Knowledge Cafe series is the low level of awareness among researchers about what text...

Open Data and TDM in Taiwan

FutureTDM recently met with Taiwan based NARLabs, a non-profit institute combining a number of national laboratories working on key technologies. We talked about the...
Jan Strycharz

Impact of TDM on the Economy

Thanks to TDM Big and Open Data is changed into actionable intelligence – specific insights that allow advancing the economic, social and scientific processes....
Donat Agosti

Copyright and the Use of Images as Biodiversity Data

We live in a visual world – but when TDM is discussed, images are rarely mentioned. This is astonishing for taxonomy, the science of...

FutureTDM at the EUhackathon: Visualising Copyright Evidence

The theme of the 6th edition of the EUhackathon held in Brussels last week was ‘visualising copyright evidence to inform the policy debate...

This is what Europe can do to stimulate Text and Data...

Text and data mining – using algorithms to analyse content in ways that would be impossible for humans – is shaping up to be...

European TDM Projects: OpenMinTeD, an Overview

What is OpenMinTeD?OpenMinTeD stands for Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data. It is an open, service oriented, e-Infrastructure for Text and Data Mining...