Behind the scenes of the 1st International Data Science conference
We sat down with Peter Haber and Manfred Mayr of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, both conference chairs of the 1st International Data...
The Objectives of FutureTDM
In order to foster the exploitation of TDM in European scientific, economic and public sectors, and eventually boost economy and society as a whole,...
Impact of TDM on the Economy
Thanks to TDM Big and Open Data is changed into actionable intelligence – specific insights that allow advancing the economic, social and scientific processes....
European TDM Projects: OpenMinTeD, an Overview
What is OpenMinTeD?OpenMinTeD stands for Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data. It is an open, service oriented, e-Infrastructure for Text and Data Mining...
A Project Synopsis
Big Data has been a buzz word for a number of years now. It is all around us - from Amazon analysing our purchases...
TDM European Funded Projects and Infrastructures
Is European research interested in TDM?Yes it is. This is manifested both by the number of scientific articles published in journals and conferences by...