Copyright for Creativity

Text and Data Mining: how the Future TDM workshop highlighted the...

For the legal geeks among us, it is now old news that the European Commission, after promising to modernise copyright, issued a rather...
Marco Caspers

A right to read for machines? Part I: The introduction

We, as FutureTDM, we were happy to organise and moderate a panel discussion at the Annual Meeting 2016 of the Association for Information Science...
Marco Caspers

Why a Copyright Exception Should Go Beyond TDM

It is a basic principle of copyright law that ideas are not protected. What copyright does protect is the original expression of those ideas....
Marco Caspers

FutureTDM is Mapping the Legal Barriers to TDM in Europe

The goal of FutureTDM is to promote uptake of the use of TDM in Europe. Part of the solution therefore lies in identifying barriers...
Frank Hellwig

iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing Workshop (Part 2)

Report 2: Sui generis database right, functional vs. technical view, caveats of the Japanese TDM exception, integrationThis is the second of three blog...

An open-access publisher perspective on Text and Data Mining

Interview with Frederick Fenter, Executive Editor (Frontiers Media SA) On 11 January 2017, one day before the European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee began debating...

EU Copyright and the Path to Reform

If you are following our blogs and twitter feed, you can’t have failed to notice that there has been a fair bit of coverage...
Frank Hellwig

iCLIC Data Mining and Data Sharing Workshop (Part 3)

Report 3: UK and EU TDM exception, contract override and APIs, wealth transferThis is the third of three blog posts on the iCLIC Data...
Jan Strycharz

Impact of TDM on the Economy

Thanks to TDM Big and Open Data is changed into actionable intelligence – specific insights that allow advancing the economic, social and scientific processes....

FutureTDM at the EUhackathon: Visualising Copyright Evidence

The theme of the 6th edition of the EUhackathon held in Brussels last week was ‘visualising copyright evidence to inform the policy debate...